Thursday, 7 August 2014

Point of Taxation Rules, 2011


Point of Taxation Rules, 2011 has been made vide Notification No. 18/2011 dated 01.03.2011 and on recommendations and suggestions of industry suitably amended by Notification No. 25/2011 dated 31.03.2011, Notification No. 28/2011 dated 01.04.2011 and Notification No. 41/2011 dated 27.06.2011.

Why need of Point of Taxation Rules, 2011?

Ans.Before the applicability of these rules, service tax was payable on receipt of payment in respect of taxable services provided. So there is more chance of revenue loss to the government. So with the introduction of Point of Taxation Rules, 2011, now service tax will be paid on accrual basis except in certain specified cases.

Rule 1– Short title and commencement

1.       These rules shall be called the Point of Taxation Rules, 2011.
2.       They shall come into force on the 1st day of April, 2011.

Rule 2– Definition

In these rules, unless the context otherwise requires,-
(a)    “Act”‖ means the Finance Act, 1994 (32 of 1994);

(ba) “Change in effective rate of tax”‖ shall include a change in the portion of value on
          Which tax is payable in terms of a notification issued in the Official Gazette under
The provisions of the Act, or rules madethereunder;

(b)   “continuous supply of service”‖ means any service which is provided, or to be provided continuously or on recurrent basis, under a contract, for a period exceeding three months with the obligation for payment periodically or from time to time, or where the Central Government, by a notification in the Official Gazette, prescribes provision of a particular service to be a continuous supply of service, whether or not subject to any condition;

(c)    “Invoice”‖ means the invoice referred to in rule 4A of the Service Tax Rules, 1994 and shall include any document as referred to in the said rule;

(d)   “point of taxation”‖ means the point in time when a service shall be deemed to have been provided;

Rule 2A– Date of payment

For the purposes of these rules, ―date of payment‖ shall be the earlier of the dates on which the payment is entered in the books of accounts or is credited to the bank account of the person liable to pay tax:
Provided that —

(A)   the date of payment shall be the date of credit in the bank account when —

(i)      there is a change in effective rate of tax or when a service is taxed for the first time during the period between such entry in books of accounts and its credit in the bank account; and

(ii)    the credit in the bank account is after four working days from the date when there is change in effective rate of tax or a service is taxed for the first time; and

(iii)   the payment is made by way of an instrument which is credited to a bank account,

(B)   if any rule requires determination of the time or date of payment received, the expression ―date of payment shall be construed to mean such date on which the payment is received

Rule 3 - Determination of Point of Taxation (General Provision)

For the purposes of these rules, unless otherwise provided, point of taxation shall be-
(a).  the time when the invoice for the service provided or agreed to be provided is issued :

“Provided that where the invoice is not issued within the time period specified in rule 4A of the Service Tax Rules,1994, the point of taxation shall be the date of completion of provision of the service”;

(b). in a case, where the person providing the service, receives a payment before the time specified in clause (a), the time, when he receives such payment, to the extent of such payment.

“Provided that for the purposes of clauses (a) and (b), —
(i).    in case of continuous supply of service where the provision of thewhole or part of the service is determined periodically on thecompletion of an event in terms of a contract, which requires thereceiver of service to make any payment to service provider, thedate of completion of each such event as specified in the contractshall be deemed to be the date of completion of provision ofservice;

(ii).  Wherever the provider of taxable service receives a payment up torupees one thousand in excess of the amount indicated in theinvoice, the point of taxation to the extent of suchexcess amount,at the option of the provider of taxable service, shall be determinedin accordance with the provisions of clause (a).”

Explanation — For the purpose of this rule, wherever any advance by whatever name known, is received by the service provider towards the provision of taxable service, the point of taxation shall be the date of receipt of each such advance.

ANALYSIS of Clause (a) & (b): -
As a summary, point of taxation for a service performed is determined as per Rule 3 as follows:

1.       Date of invoice or payment, whichever is earlier (if the invoice is issued within the prescribed period of 30 days*from the date of completion of the provision of service)
2.       Date of completion of the provision of service or payment, whichever is earlier (if the invoice is not issued within the prescribed period as above.)
3.       Date of receipt of advance payment

*Note: - 45 days in case of banking company or a financial institutions including non-banking financial institutions

The applicability of the rule will be clear from the illustrations in the following table:

Date of Completion of Service
Date of Invoice
Date of Receipt of Payment
Point of Taxation
Invoice issued in 30 days and before receipt of payment
April 10 2014
April 20 2014
April 30 2014
April 20 2014
Invoice issued in 30 days and after receipt of payment
April 10 2014
April 20 2014
April 15 2014
April 15 2014
Invoice issued in 30
days but payment received before completion of service
April 10 2014
April 20 2014
April 5 2014
April 5 2014
Invoice issued after 30 days and before receipt of payment
April 10 2014
May 15 2014
May 20 2014
April 10 2014
Invoice issued after 30 days and after receipt of payment
April 10 2014
May 15 2014
May 10 2014
April 10 2014
Invoice issued in 30
days but payment received before completion of service
April 10 2014
May 15 2014
April 5 2014
April 5 2014
Invoice not issued in 30 days. Part payment before completion , remaining later
April 20 2014
May 25 2014
April 10 2014
April 10 2014
April 20 2014
May 25 2014
April 30 2014
April 20 2014

ANALYSIS of Proviso (i): -
As per Rule 2 (c) of Point of Taxation Rules, 2011, a continuous supply of service means:
·         Any service provided orto be provided continuously by a service provider under a contract for a period more than 3 months or
·         Such services which the central government prescribes by a notification to be issued in the nature of continuous supply of services.
As per Notification No.28/2011, the following services will fall under continuous supply of service:
1.       Commercial or industrial construction service – Clause (zzq) of section 65(105)
2.       Construction of complex clause – Clause (zzzh) of section 65(105) 
3.       By the telegraph authority in relation to telecommunication service – Clause (zzzx) of section 65(105)
4.       In relation to internet telecommunication services– Clause (zzzu) of section 65(105)
5.       Works contract service – Clause (zzzza) of section 65(105)
In case of continuous supply of service, the Point of Taxation is the‘specified date’ or date of issue of invoice or date of receipt of payment whichever is earlier.
“Specified date” would be the date specified in the contract, as to when the payment is liable to be paid by the service receiver in case of continuous supply of service, the whole or part of which is determined or payable periodically or from time to time. If there is no specified date, then the Point of Taxation would be the earliest of the following dates:
(i).    Date of issue of invoice or
(ii).  Date of receipt of payment

Illustration: -

There is service of Construction which is included in the continuous supply of service as notified by the Government. As per contact of service, some dates are specified as the date of part payment for the part performance of service. Following table determines the Point of taxation of such service at different intervals: -
Specified Date as per Contract
Date of Invoice
Date of Payment
Part provision of service
25 April 2014
30 April 2014
5 May 2014
25 April 2014
31 May 2014
25 May 2014
6 June 2014
25 May 2014
30 June 2014
5 July 2014
26 June 2014
26 June 2014
1 August 2014
5 August 2014
1 August 2014
ANALYSIS of Proviso (ii): -
Let us take an example:
An ISP (Internet Service Provider) issue a bill/invoice to its customer of Rs.1559, but the customer paid Rs.1600 (as round off). Now the point of taxation of the advance paid by him of Rs.41 (1600-1559) would be determined in accordance with Proviso to Rule 3 of Point of Taxation Rules, 2011.
In accordance of the proviso, service provider has two options to determine the point of taxation of such advance up to a limit of Rs.1000: -
1.       First: Either to determine point of taxation of such advance as per clause (b) of Rule 3. That is, taxing the advance in the receipt basis.
2.       Second: Or to determine point of taxation of such advance as per clause (a) of Rule 3. That is, taxing the advance on accrual basis till its invoice is issued in next billing cycle.

Rule 4- Determination of Point of Taxation in case of change in effective rate of tax

Notwithstanding anything contained in rule 3, the point of taxation in cases where there is a change in effective rate of tax in respect of a service, shall be determined in the following manner, namely :-

(a).  in case a taxable service has been provided before the [change in effective rate of tax]-

(i).    where the invoice for the same has been issued and the payment received after the [change in effective rate of tax], the point of taxation shall be date of payment or issuing of invoice, whichever is earlier; or
(ii).  where the invoice has also been issued prior to [change in effective rate of tax] but the payment is received after the change in effective rate of tax, the point of taxation shall be the date of issuing of invoice; or
(iii). where the payment is also received before the [change in effective rate of tax], but the invoice for the same has been issued after the [change in effective rate of tax], the point of taxation shall be the date of payment;
(b). in case a taxable service has been provided after the [change in effective rate of tax,-

(i).    where the payment for the invoice is also made after the change in effective rate of tax but the invoice has been issued prior to the change in effective rate of tax, the point of taxation shall be the date of payment; or
(ii).  where the invoice has been issued and the payment for the invoice received before the [change in effective rate of tax], the point of taxation shall be the date of receipt of payment or date of issuance of invoice, whichever is earlier; or
(iii). Where the invoice has also been raised after the [change in effective rate of tax] but the payment has been received before the [change in effective rate of tax], the point of taxation shall be date of issuing of invoice.

The applicability of the rule will be clear from the illustrations in the following tables: -

a.       In case a taxable service has been provided before the change of rate (assumed April 13 2014)
S. No.
Date of Completion of Service
Date of Invoice
Date of Receipt of Payment
Point of Taxation
Effective rate (Before April 13)
Effective rate (After April 13)
Applicable Rate
April 10 2014
April 15 2014
April 20 2014
April 15 2014
April 10 2014
April 12 2014
April 20 2014
April 12 2014
April 10 2014
April 20 2014
April 12 2014
April 12Rounded Rectangle: Whichever is erlier2014
b.      In case a taxable service has been provided after the change of rate (assumed as April 13 2014)

S. No.
Date of Completion of Service
Date of Invoice
Date of Receipt of Payment
Point of Taxation
Effective rate (Before April 13)
Effective rate (After April 13)
Applicable Rate
April 15 2014
April 10 2014
April 20 2014
April 20 2014
April 15 2014
April 5 2014
April 10 2014
April 5 2014
April 15 2014
April 20 2014
April 10 2014
April 10 2014

Rule 5– Payment of tax in case of new service

Where a service is taxed for the first time, then,—
a)      No tax shall be payable to the extent the invoice has been issued and the payment received against such invoice before such service became taxable;

b)      No tax shall be payable if the payment has been received before the service becomes taxable and invoice has been issued within fourteen days of the date when the service is taxed for the first time.

“Parking Services” is one of the services which is taxable for the first time after 1 July, 2012. Its Point of taxation would be determine in accordance to Rule 5 of Point of Taxation Rules, 2011

Rule 7– Determination of point of taxation in case of specified services or persons

Notwithstanding anything contained in rule 3,4 and 8, the point of taxation in respect of the persons required to pay tax as recipients of service under the rules made in this regard in respect of services notified under subsection (2) of section 68 of the Act, shall be the date on which payment is made.

Provided that where the payment is not made within a period of three months of the date of invoice, the point of taxation shall be the date immediately following the said period of three months

Provided further that in case of ―associated enterprises, where the person providing the service is located outside India, the point of taxation shall be the date of debit in the books of account of the person receiving the service or date of making the payment whichever is earlier.

 Associate Enterprise” means an enterprise—
(a). which participates, directly or indirectly, or through one or more intermediaries, in the management or control or capital of the other enterprise; or
(b). In respect of which one or more persons who partici­pate, directly or indirectly, or through one or more intermedi­aries, in its management or control or capital, are the same persons who participate, directly or indirectly, or through one or more intermediaries, in the management or control or capital of the other enterprise.

Rule 8– Determination of point of taxation in case of copyrights, etc.

In respect of royalties and payments pertaining to copyrights, trademarks, designs or patents, where the whole amount of the consideration for the provision of service is not ascertainable at the time when service was performed, and subsequently the use or the benefit of these services by a person other than the provider gives rise to any payment of consideration, the service shall be treated as having been provided each time when a payment in respect of such use or the benefit is received by the provider in respect thereof, or an invoice is issued by the provider, whichever is earlier.

Since royalty payment to the author is not ascertainable. In such case, date on which payment of consideration to service provider is made, is deemed as the date of service provided. So point of taxation in such service is determined on the following basis: -

Rule 8A– Determination of point of taxation in other case (Best Judgment)

Where the point of taxation cannot be determined as per these rules as the date of invoice or the date of payment or both are not available, the Central Excise officer, may, require the concerned person to produce such accounts, documents or other evidence as he may deem necessary and after taking into account such material and the effective rate of tax prevalent at different points of time, shall, by an order in writing, after giving an opportunity of being heard, determine the point of taxation to the best of his judgment.

Rule 9– Transitional Provisions

Nothing contained in [these rules] shall be applicable, -
(i)                  Where the provision of service is completed; or
(ii)                Where invoices are issued prior to the date on which these rules come into force.

Provided that services for which provision is completed on or before 30th day of June, 2011 or where the invoices are issued up to the 30th day of June, 2011, the point of taxation shall, at the option of the taxpayer, be the date on which the payment is received or made as the case may be. Know more about information: CA In Delhi and Income Tax Consultants

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