The objective
of double taxation can be achieved Tax treaties employ various methods or a
combination of
One method of
avoiding double taxation is for the residence country to altogether exclude
foreign income from its tax base. The country of source is then given exclusive
right to tax such incomes. This is known as complete exemption method and is
sometimes followed in respect of profits attributable to foreign permanent
establishments or income from immovable property. Indian tax treaties with
Denmark, Norway and Sweden embody with respect to certain incomes.
This method
reflects the underline concept that the resident remains liable in the country
of residence on its global income, however as far the quantum of tax
liabilities is concerned credit for tax paid in the source country is given by
the residence country against its domestic tax as if the foreign tax were paid
to the country of residence itself.
One of the
aims of the Indian Double Taxation Avoidance Agreements is to stimulate foreign
investment flows in India from foreign developed countries. One way to achieve
this aim is to let the investor to preserve to himself/itself benefits of tax
incentives available in India for such investments. This is done through “Tax
Sparing”. Here the tax credit is allowed by the country of its residence, not
only in respect of taxes actually paid by it in India but also in respect of
those taxes India forgoes due to its fiscal incentive provisions under the
Indian Income Tax Act.
Thus, tax
sparing credit is an extension of the normal and regular tax credit to taxes
that are spared by the source country i.e. forgiven or reduced due to rebates
with the intention of providing incentives for investments.
The regular
tax credit is a measure for prevention of double taxation, but the tax sparing
credit extends the relief granted by the source country to the investor in the
residence country by the way of an incentive to stimulate foreign investment
flows and does not seek reciprocal arrangements by the developing countries.
In order to
get the benefit of a tax treaty, it is necessary to have an access to it. For
that purpose, a person must qualify in terms of the treaty as a:
- person
- resident of
any of the Contracting states; and
- beneficial
owner of the income by the way of dividends, interest or royalties for a lower
rate of withholding tax.
determination of the residential status is of great significance as the
taxability of income under the domestic laws depends upon it, and as also only
the resident of a contracting state can seek relief from double taxation.
The expression
‘resident of contracting state’ is defined to mean any person who, under the
laws of that state, is
1. liable to
tax therein by reason of
2. domicile,
residence, place of management or
3. any other
criterion of a similar nature.
The treaty
provisions set forth rules for determination whether a person is a resident of
a contracting state for purposes of the treaty. The determination looks for
first to a person’s liability to tax as a resident under the respective
taxation laws of the contracting state. If a person is resident in both the
contracting states, there are provisions to assign a single state of residence
to him for purposes of the treaty through tie-breaking rules.
The business
income of a non-resident is taxable in India under section 9(1)(i) of the ITA
only if it accrues or arises, directly or indirectly, through or from any
business connection in India, property in India, asset or source of income in
India, or through the transfer of an Indian capital asset. Explanation 2 of
section 9(1) (i) contain an inclusive definition of business connection; as per
which a business connection is said to exist if any person carrying on a
business activity acts on behalf of a non-resident and:
# has and habitually exercises an authority to conclude contracts on behalf of the non-resident
# has and habitually exercises an authority to conclude contracts on behalf of the non-resident
# has no such
authority, but habitually maintains in India a stock of goods or merchandise
from which he regularly delivers goods or merchandise on behalf of the
# habitually
secures orders in India, mainly or wholly for the non-resident or its
taxation agreement restricts the jurisdiction of the contracting states to
taxing business income of a foreign enterprise only if such enterprise carries
on business in India through a permanent establishment.
The term
“permanent establishment” as defined in Article 5 means a fixed place of
business through which business of an enterprise is carried on. The definition
requires performance of business activity through a fixed place of business in
another country. The expression has been defined as:
a. fixed place of business through which the business of an
a. fixed place of business through which the business of an
b. enterprise
c. Wholly or
partly carried on.
The first part
of Article 5(1) postulates that the existence of a fixed place of business
whereas the second part postulates that the business is carried on through a
fixed place. If the second part is not attracted, there is no permanent
establishment.[10] Thereby meaning that there should necessarily be a fixed
place of business through which the enterprise must conduct business activity
and that activity must be income generating.
shopping is an expression which refers to the act of a resident of a third country
taking advantage of a fiscal treaty between states. A person acts through a
legal entity created in a state essentially to obtain treaty benefits that
would not be available directly to such person.
The basic
feature of treaty shopping is the establishment of base companies in other
states solely for the purpose of enjoying the benefit of a particular treaty
rules existing between the state involved and the third state. An example of
treaty shopping can be the India-Mauritius double Taxation agreement where
various companies have been incorporated in Mauritius to take advantage of the
Indo-Mauritius DTAA in which capital gains are to be assessed as per the law of
the state of residence of the entity .However, under the Mauritian law, tax is
not levied on capital gains which means that the capital gains made by the
Mauritian entity on transfer of shares in an Indian company go unassessed.
However, the
last few tears have seen a change in the approach of the States in the wake of
wide reports of extensive money laundering and the tax evasion. As a
consequences, a lot of countries are adopting a “Limitation of Benefits” clause
in the tax treaties so as o restrict third parties from taking advantage of tax
treaties between two other states.
The Income Tax
Act, 1961 (ITA) governs taxation of income in India. According to section 5 of
the ITA, Indian residents[11] are taxable on their worldwide income, and
nonresidents are taxed only on income that has its source in India.10 Section 6
of the ITA defines who may be a tax resident and contains different residency
criteria for companies, firms, and individuals. The scope of section 5 is
expanded by the ‘‘legal fiction contained in section 9,’’ which deems certain
kinds of income to be of Indian source.
The ITA favors
source-based taxation as compared to the OECD model conventions or treaties
entered into by many developed countries that favor residence based taxation.
Indian courts have supported source based taxation in several cases in the
The policy
adopted by the Indian government in regard to double taxation treaties may be
worded as follows:
- Trading with India should be relieved of Indian taxes considerably so as to promote its economic and industrial development.
- There should be co-ordination of Indian taxation with foreign tax legislation for Indian as well as foreign companies trading with India
- The agreements are intended to permit the Indian authorities to co-operate with the foreign tax administration.
- Tax treaties are a good compromise between taxation at source and taxation in the country of residence
- India primarily follows the UN model convention and one therefore finds the tax-sparing and credit methods for elimination of double taxation in most Indian treaties as well as more source-based taxation in respect of the articles on ‘royalties’ and ‘other income’ than in the OECD model convention.
The regime of
international taxation exists through bilateral tax treaties based upon model
treaties, developed by the OECD and the UN, between the Contracting States.
India has entered into a wide network of tax treaties with various countries
all over the world to facilitate free flow of capital into and from India.
However, the international tax regime has to be restructured continuously so as
to respond to the current challenges and drawbacks. Know more about information: Business tax consultants and Tax consulting company
Further, If
you are looking professional assistance on Corporate Law, Direct, Indirect tax
law, Accounts Outsourcing or any other related matter, mail us at: or call
at 011-43520194,
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